Well, I'm feeling odd right now, like the deflated feeling after waiting for something big to happen. Like christmas for instance, which is the biggest day of the year and when its all over it feels like..."was it really all worth it". I feel like that, but it really hasn't been one of those days. I had the best day at the zoo, I mean, I can't say I get particularly excited about doing cutouts, but the silhouette for the "meet the lemurs" was cute to do, I always always no matter what I am doing enjoy my days at the zoo, but the highlight had to be meeting the sealions, it was the most awesome thing I have got to do to date, I did a few training things, and give Anya (I think) it was a good stroke (they feel really weird), and then got an extra special treat which I'm not allowed to say. It was fabulous anyway.

Then mum and dave came round to drop off my dress and talk me through the ins and outs of the salon, as I start work there on tues as marketing/manager/receptionist/kick everyones arse into gear and stop the staff taking the mick person. wow, exhaustive, it's basically a business that really needs someone to go in and turn it around, and I am really logically minded, straightforward and honest which makes me a good candidate, I am the nicest person in the world, but I really don't take crap off people. Plus I'm probably the only one with enough pennies in the bank to stand the poor wage until it actually starts making a profit. To be honest though, money aside, I look forward to the challenge, if I can turn this business around, I can turn any around. Life to me really isn't about money, if I have enough to get by, I'm happy, if I need more, I'll make more some other way, I have always always landed on my feet, and I am very resourceful, so I am confident that I will be fine.
Hmm, day 30, it's write a letter to the friendliest person you knew for one day. I really can't think of anyone, I know loads of friendly people, but generally know them for more than one day. The only person I can think of is the guy who helped me out when I was trying to get back from manchester about 6 weeks ago. I'd bought my ticket online, but nowhere online did it tell me that I could only pick up my ticket from piccadilly, and stopping at a mates just out of manc, victoria was easiest so I was dropped off there. After some rudeness from the ticket lady, I got on a tram to piccadilly, had no idea where I was going (geography is my weakest subject) and some guy helped me, and chatted to me untill I got to my platform, which was really sweet. It's funny as something about him at the time just....I dunno, kinda made me feel like I had met the man of my dreams, there was just something about him you know, kinda like in the movies where people meet someone amazing somewhere random, like that. But when he walked away, he didn't once look back, so, obviously....it was just me. Well I believe that things like that really happen, and when you know love, truly, it tears through every fiber of your being and you just know. I cant say it was love at first sight, ha, it wasn't, but it was something, and at abit of a low point for me, it was enough. So a guess a letter to him would be
Dear Gentleman who helped me that day
Thankyou very much for being kind, and helpful and friendly, you have no idea how much I appreciated it, and just thanks for being there, as that feeling I had for you for that day, restored a little hope and life in someone a little bit broken.
wow, abit deep for me, where did that come from