Tuesday, 10 May 2011

I feel really down today

Things went from bad to worse for me today. Most stuff is on the whole unimportant, but my relationship status all went bad. I have been seeing a guy for two years now, and for the last, probably 8 months, things have been pretty bad and not what they should be. we have barely spoke to, or seen each other in the last month, and today it all came to head. He rang me while I was helping a friend, and despite me saying it wasnt a good time, he carried on and I had to put the phone down. I rang him as soon as I could and as usual we ended up arguing, but decided to meet up and talk things over on wednesday. However I got home to find out that the hour previous he had posted things up on stupid facebook about me, not naming me, but it was soo obvious that it was about me, and changed his status to single. Not only that but his mother decided to write a nasty comment on my wall. I feel really upset about it all, I do not for a minute want people to think its just him thats horrible, we are both to blame, but I kept it largely to myself, and I really didnt want to lose him completely, and he has made it so. The thing that seems to really hurt me the most is, I poured my heart and every feeling and thing I wanted him to know in a long email. I got a four short line email back, I didnt expect that. I feel so sad, and despite everything, I do really miss him....

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